Hey, I'm Chris

I'm a full-stack web developer obsessed with making the web easier to build for everyone. For the last few years I've been a solutions engineer at Gatsby, Netlify, and now Sanity, as well as consulting to help companies build a better web. Check out the things I've built or the tech I've used to build them below.

Chris LaRocque headshot


Remove 404 error for /service-worker.js in local development

Various frameworks will show a 404 in the console for a /service-worker.js file, here's how to remove that lil jerk.


Add Vitest to a Next app

Adding Vitest to a Next app and writing a simple test


Astro component for a GitHub contribution graph

Using the GitHub GraphQL API to recreate their contribution graph in an Astro component with Tailwind CSS.


Astro component for a list of GitHub gists

Using the GitHub JS client Octokit to fetch all gists for a user and render them using an Astro component.


Migrating my site from Nuxt to Astro

The process of taking my site from Nuxt to Astro, and how content collections replaced Contentful.


Creating a Tailwind color picker

A little helper function I found useful in a recent project that allows you to get the Tailwind color closest to a given CSS color value.


Generating open graph images with Netlify functions.

How to leverage Netlify functions and Satori to generate open graph images for your site.


Building theconvergencebooks.com with Astro

Migrating theconvergencebooks.com from Wix to Astro+Tailwind


Content search with Nuxt, Algolia, and Contentful

Integrating Algolia into a Nuxt+Contentful stack.


Website internationalization and gatsby-plugin-i18n-config

Notes on website internationalization for a Gatsby plugin that never was.


LaRocque.dev v1

Building a portfolio site with Nuxt, Bulma, and Contentful.


Porting LaRocque.dev from Nuxt to Gatsby

How to migrate a Nuxt app over to Gatsby.
